Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tiffany Alvord in Malaysia :D

Since I started uni, my life has been super hectic. You'd think that having classes for only three days in a week means more-than-enough relaxation but boy, you are SO wrong. I take 4 units in one semester and I can barely cope with 2 units of heavy reading and all freaking assignments having their due dates so close to each other.

So, going for Tiffany Alvord's concert as media is like the happiest event that happened to me since uni. And it's been so long since I met a celebrity hahaha. It was two Saturdays ago - the start of my sem break. Even though I have two assignments due after the break, I was like, ah what the heck man I don't care I need some fun in my life T_T

It all started when my friend Marcus and I were tweeting about Tiffany and suddenly we just said we'd like to cover her concert and then he asked Lisan from Switchup.TV (The Star's online portal) if we could, and after sending her the concert and organiser's details, blah blah blah, WE GOT IT!

Hehehe it was as simple as that. Perks of being a YNN-er ;) Although I really really have to learn to edit videos using Adobe Premier Pro :/ Anyway, the interview session was in the afternoon at Bentley Music Auditorium - where the concert was held later at night.

Waiting for Tiffany to arrive! That's the videographer from Switchup.TV.

She came straight from Hitz.fm and OMG I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw her!!! Accompanied by her mom and the organisers, she went into the the auditorium to settle some stuff while we waited outside (without air-conditioning). And then she came out and sat at the table over there.

OMG I couldn't believe I was just a few feet away from her. It was as if she, who was always on the screen, suddenly came alive! Hahaha. She looked kinda frustrated here though :P The videographer kept pestering us to go talk to her while she was outside lol. After (long) moments of hesitation, we finally went up to her and said 'hi'.

After asking her how she feels about Malaysia, there was a moment of silence. Super awkward. I actually had a lot of things to say to her, but my mouth just decided to clamp itself shut for fear of saying something embarrassing. It's always like that when I meet celebrities! I hope the more I meet the better I'll gettttt.

So she was looking at a list and we were just standing there awkwardly.. Then suddenly she looked up and said, 'Oh do you guys want a picture?' OMG. EMBARRASSING LIKE CRAZY! We were like, 'Oh err it's fine... We'll take later *awkward smile*' Well we actually planned to take after the interview... Sooooo then she continued talking to her mom and we just walked away quietly. *facepalm*

After a while, we were so bored and since Tiffany was still at the table (we were just opposite her) so we thought maybe we'll take a picture with her first in case there's no time after the interview since they're always so busy. We experienced that with Ryan Higa so we knew! (And it doesn't help with a bossy organiser with an accent...)

Fortunately, this time the organiser was friendly - according to Marcus. Oh welllll coz he's Malaysian duhh and Malaysians are friendly :P (not always though) Tiffany was working on her setlist - I was actually thinking ' Wow that's so last minute!!' - when we approached her but she was so kind to take a picture with us even though she was busy. Also, which celebrity would say 'thank you' after you say 'thank you' after taking a picture with them?!

Felt funny when she said that to me and although she isn't like a mega huge celebrity, she IS a big thing on Youtube - but she's so humble and down-to-earth. I love famous people who are friendly to reporters and journalists - and people in general :D

After almost an hour, the interview session finally began. There were two or three reporters before our turn and we were the last. Ahhhhh so nervous going through the questions again and again!

Oh by the way, her pupils are such a vivid grey colour - I was quite taken aback when I stared straight into her eyes talked to her. But you can't really see here heh.

Waiting for our turnnnnn.

I returned at night for the concert. My first time recording a video for work! Somehow, the auditorium felt smaller with chairs lined up. Six months ago, I was here for the Ryan Higa Q&A session and the whole room seemed gigantic! Ahhh memories :'D

These are the VIP seats. See the three girls over there? I initially thought they were in college but guess what, I overheard the girl in striped shirt saying that she just turned 13. THIRTEEN?! Are you kidding me?! Only thirteen and already speaking like an adult?! With a freaking accent! Omg kids these days are getting more and more scary... I was scared of them okay lol.

Heheh another media tag to keep! ;)

I was there about two hours before the event started. Waited like crazy before Skyward came on stage as the opening act.

Then it was this band which I forgot their name. I like the girl's vocals - very indie.

Lastly, another band called The Revellers (no idea who) rocked the stage with their loud music, a big difference from the first two acts.

Finallyyyyyy Tiffany came on stage a little after 8.30pm. She looked so sweet in a pink dress! Loved her outfit that night. Her necklace, ring, bracelet and sandals sparkle! She did a number of covers with the ukulele and guitar. And she sounds exactly the way she sounds on Youtube.

o_O So many Tiffany Alvords hahah.

She performed a duet with the lead singer of The Revellers. They sang Just Give Me a Reason by Pink ft. Nate Ruess - one of my favourite songs! :D :D

I love this picture of her :P

Oh and she's always so bouncy on stage! When she sings, her hands and upper body will always be moving. She knows how to entertain the crowd - though they didn't really need much entertaining as they were already high, in fact shouts of 'I love you Tiffany!' kept coming from the crowd and I think she got a bit lost not knowing what to reply except for 'I love you too!' again and again. So sweet of her haha. By listening to the way she addresses the crowd, you know that she genuinely appreciates her fans.

In between her songs, she asked if the crowd could do her a favour. Turns out that she wanted to Keek! The video's below, and perhaps you can spot me waving in white shirt sitting in the first row on the left :P

For me, her most memorable songs are My Heart Is and So Alive, both original songs. Was waiting for these two songs the whole time! She sang the last song My Heart Is with the crowd jumping up and down and kept So Alive for the encore. By then, the lights were on and everyone literally went crazy as they rushed forward to the stage. Seems more like a concert now HAHA.

The meet-and-greet was later after the concert. Her merchandise was selling outside the auditorium and they were looked after by her brothers (I assume!). She has six brothers can you imagine!? Yeap, her whole family came on tour with her! So cool hehe. I wanted to buy the T-shirt but it costs RM60 and I didn't bring enough money T___T Arghhhhh.


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