Friday, December 30, 2016


After a good 9 years, I have decided to make the move from Blogger to Wordpress.

Thinking back to the good old days when I was 14 and discovering the wonders of blogging, writing about crap and typical teenager rants on Blogger... Well, it will always have a special place in my heart. 

But now it is time to move on, to work on bigger dreams.

Combining my love for travel and writing, thus giving birth to a travel blog. My new blog will focus on travel (obvs), with a little bit of food posts and some random stuff sprinkled here and there. 

My travel posts and some memorable ones on Blogger will be moved over to Wordpress, and I will be producing some exciting and (hopefully) refreshing content as well that includes my exchange experience in the UK and China.

Thank you readers for your support all these years; I truly appreciate you taking the time to read what I write. I hope you will be lovin' my new blog!