Sunday, May 29, 2011

How awesome is our God!? :)

As a Christian for so many years, I've heard countless testimonies about people experiencing God in such a powerful way that I do not fail to go "WOW. WOW. WOW!" every single time.

Honestly, those out-of-the-world experiences never did happen to me. Well sure, a number of times God answered my prayers and.. I just felt that, wow God is such an amazing God. He does wonderful things, He answered my prayers miraculously which always leaves me in a state of disbelief.

Which continued to: God. Is. Real.

All those testimonies that I heard over the years.. they seem distant, so surreal that I find it hard to put them in my line of thinking. They always say "God spoke to me". But I always wonder, how did God spoke to them? In which way? What did they experience? Supernatural feelings all of a sudden?

Until recently, my childhood friend shared a wonderful testimony. It involved one of my close friend's brother, which kinda brought something real close to my heart. I felt really encouraged by her story, and I hope to share it with all of you out there (:

"At times, YOU can hear God telling you to do something, you're pretty sure about that, but you just don't have the guts to do so. It's because I experience the same thing. Apparently everyone does, and so my story is to encourage all those who got some "weird" ideas or compulsion to DO something, but are just afraid of what people might think.

That morning I went to school, I was revising halfway when I heard my classmates gossiping.

"..really? He's got depression?"

"I heard it was insomnia and anxiety. Had to see the psychiatrist!"

Later I found out that it was one of my classmates, YL, who had been absent for a few weeks. I didn't know the whole story yet, but apparently he came back to school today...

When he walked into the class..i had this urge to pray for him. I told God, " Well God, if You really want me to pray for him. Then let him stay slightly later in class during recess. I don't want to pray when all his buddies are around."

*note: His buddies are anti-God I'd say. They actually told him that no God can help him. They don't need a God to help them. All you have to do is to trust yourself.! >~<'''

Great. They say it so loudly just before i had the urge to pray. I'm scared that they'll probably make fun of me...But You have to make a stand.

Recess came, and YL didn't stay back: Aha! God, he didn't stay back, maybe prayer isn't today.

To my surprise, as i was on the way to the library, I bumped into him ( and his buddies). My mind was going: Okay, okay God. Today. TODAY!

So I dragged him out of the library, told him i wanted to pray for him.

I was praying halfway and one of his friends came out questioning me, " What are you trying to do larh~ You think it'll help him sleep meh?" I continued praying.

Recess was over and i headed back to class. Here's the most interesting part. I had a STRONG impression that i had to write a letter to YL. The letter must have

(a) "God loves you."

(b) and a verse from Psalms attached!( It was clear, the verse Must come from Psalms. But Psalms has 150 chapters! =.= )

I hesitated. I don't know this classmate of mine. Really, you can be in class for the whole year through and not know anything else of the other person than the basics. I thought, my mind was playing games, again. I told Darryl, a new believer, about it.

It's crazy. You don't go up to a stranger and tells him, "God loves you." or write him a letter. There was so much internal struggles.

His advice : It's from God right? You're sure about that. Then do it lah~ You've got nothing to lose!

(Goodness, he's so new, yet he's more willing to do bizzare things for God than me, a 6-year-old Christian. Shame on me XD~ )

"But what about the Psalms thing?" I asked.

" I'll look for it. You start writing."

I finished my letter. One portion was blanked to fill The-Psalms-Verse, which will magically "pop" out in 150 chapters. Honestly, i have doubts.

But when it came, Darryl flipped open the bible-----and there it was, right before your very eyes, no hassle---- the verse was:-

Psalms 4:8
"I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety."

How could it be? God gave me the Perfect verse because he knows everything. He knows, that YL had a tough time sleeping, waking average or 6-7 times at night.

I can only obey now. And i did. I shove the letter to him. And he asked me in what name I was praying for him earlier, he said he felt at peace. I told him I'm a Christian, and God asked me to pray and pass this letter to him. I made it clear that it wasn't me, it was God.

I told him, that if he couldn't sleep, read the verse, put it under his pillow, and he'll get sleep. I don't know what gave me the guts to say that. All i know is that if God wanted to reached out to him, He'll make His name known.

The next day, he was absent. I was thinking whether the verse worked. I had been praying hard for 2 days. The next day, he came up to me. He said, " Beatrice, you're method worked! I slept through that night! I want to know more about this God you pray to.."

I can only smile. That was 2 weeks ago. He still keeps asking and wanting to know more about this God that wants to have a relationship with humans, just as they are =)

Be bold, be courages! My brothers and sisters.
If your idea is crazy, then be crazy for God!

today is 20/5/2011
My prayer was answered. YL went to church on his own initiative. I was not expecting that to come so soon. Praise God! It blows my mind how obedience works. It didn't just changed my mind. It changed his life. AMEN! =D

I'm hoping that someday I will experience God in a ground-breaking way too, and I can use my testimony to inspire others as well :P

P.S. Read more on true christian stories here =]

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