Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mango pickles are love

My generous neighbour gave us a bag of mangoes the other day. Since they're kind of bland, mom decided to make mango pickles.

Mango pickles are extremely healthy, and easy to make!

1. Slice the mangoes according to preferred thickness. (For me, I prefer it thin because it's quite hard to chew on when it's a few mm thick.)

2. Marinate it with salt, then wash the salt off.

3. Sprinkle sugar to taste.

4. Leave it in the refrigerator for the sugar to absorb into the mango slices.
The mango pickles will have more flavour if the mango itself is sour. If not, perhaps try adding a few cili padis in, for a hint of spiciness.


Take it as a snack, rather than chips and cookies :p Yummeh!

1 comment:

  1. gasp! you did not just say my mangoes are bland. it is planted with love and care! :(
