Celebrated my mom's 50TH birthday on the 19th of Feb.. x)

Guess what cake is this? :P

It's yoghurt cheese cake!!!! Yum yum.. the upper layer is yoghurt, and the lower layer is cheeeese :D

Family photo.

Looks tantalising huh ;)
Later at night, we went to OVO BISTRO in dunno where...

The interior..
Sis' order.. Some chicken and cheese thing
My order.. LAMB x)
I think mom ordered this.. pasta and salmon
Yeah.. and dad's order. Beef?
Mmhm, drinking beer :P
Dad ordered another pizza after our MAIN COURSE -.- bloated like crazy liao that time.
Seafood pizza. Eww, me don't like :(

The bar.

"Oh no! I'm falling down!" :/

Singers entertaining the crowd with really good voices.
Some wavey thing.

Cosy interior!

The egg-like stage. OVO means ovum, which.. you know

Shuang leh ;)

Cute lightings above haha
Comfy sofa..