We gathered at the chool compound.
Whoa. The nursery.
Reaching our destination.
Washing the car...
The blackies.
OMG this nangka is tremendously huge!
Lol. Me and Hui Ying promoting nagka XD
At the pondok.
Veronica, Phoi Yih, Hui Ying.
Ahhh... kampung houses with taaaall coconut trees.
The nursery again.


We had to clean up all these pots ;x
We had to clean up all these pots ;x
Nearly done! Proud of the neat array of pots XD Girl power, hehehe!
Washing the mud stains. Eww~
Hahah ;)
Washing mud again.
The boys washing the car.
Arranging books at the 'library'. Can you feel the hotness emanating from inside there?
Black shadows...
Smiles! ;)
Yay our family! Plus Jing Hui.
Eeee so cute!
Lol the... game. Of carrying the lil' children and running as fast as possible.
Looks exciting :)
After the game. Exhausting.
Group photo for the gals.
Later, we all sang Hari Ini with Evan playing the guitar. It's actually a Christian song modified by Evan. Awesome-ness!